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Professional Services from Her Savory Soul"

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Resume & Interview Workshops

Her Savory Soul offers a career development service that helps individuals navigate their way through the ever-changing job market. We specialize in writing resumes, teaching resume writing, teaching interview skills, career development from an industry Recruiter. We help individuals brush up on their salary negotiating skills and career planning. Our mission is to empower individuals to land their dream job with confidence and ease. With our comprehensive services, we help you present yourself in the best way possible and give you the skills and knowledge to stand out from the competition and make your dream job a reality.

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Poetry Performances
Book Readings 

Her Savory Soul offers the unique and special experience of spokenword performances and book readings. Whether you are looking for an intimate program for a birthday or a larger special occasion, Her Savory Soul has the perfect spokenword performance for any event. Book readings too are an important part of the repertoire, allowing you to explore the wonderful literary world in your own unique style.

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Parallel Lines
Parallel Lines

Women & Girls

Her Savory Soul is the perfect resource to empower and support women and girls. They offer consulting, workshops and retreats that provide spiritual, mental, emotional development and personal growth. Her Savory Soul helps women become empowered, confident, and all around powerful.

Get in Touch

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Chattanooga, TN 37421

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